Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ultimate Blueberry Muffins & Words on Hospitality

Blueberries are in season! As you know, when berries come into season not only do the patches open, which are so much fun, but their prices drop in the grocery stores, their flavor intensifies and they are oh-so juicy! Blueberry muffins have always been a staple in our home, and over the years I’ve made them using many different recipes — most of which are here in my blog,  such as this one. I’m not married to any particular one, but I might be now! These blueberry muffins with streusel topping were some of the very best muffins we’ve have eaten!!

I made these blueberry muffins along with the tried and true all-time favorite banana chip muffins to go along with a platter of fruit for our friends when they arrived last week for a relaxed time of hanging out. We took a neighborhood walk together and allowed our kids to play to their heart’s content as we caught up on all the things! To have another woman in the same season of life as a friend is a true gift! We’re dear friends with this family that we’ve known all our life, and their children are all about our kids ages which is just perfect for everybody! Everyone has a playmate and the best thing is that they live down the road from us! So thankful, yet again, for this house we live in because we are surrounded by friends.

We haven’t had many people over in the last year with the virus and all, so my inner-hospitality is just hopping inside anticipating the arrival of company! So, I made not one but two different kinds of muffins and a spread of fresh fruit for us all to munch on!

Hospitality is something I’m pretty passionate about because it’s been one of the main ways I’ve been ministered to over and over again my adult life! I even wrote a short memoir/testimony how the Lord used hospitality in a book that my sweet real-life friend, Kristin Hill Taylor published called Bringing Home More Than Groceries! I can’t recommend this book enough if you feel like you like the idea of hospitality but don’t think you’re in the right phase of life for it... Kristin shows just how easy it is to bring others into your life and home right where you are. It’s a book so practical, encouraging, and chock full of real life experiences, and one of those stories is mine! I genuinely hope you check it out if you need another 2021 read! (BTW, I wasn’t asked to plug this book and I get nothing in return if you buy it other than the joy of knowing it made your list of books!)

Hospitality is just a fancy word for making someone feel welcome! If I know that someone is coming over ahead of time, I prepare for them by tidying up the house, always doing a clean-sweep in the powder room, and making something I can serve them to munch on! There’s always the option of cozy drink such as coffee freshly brewed or hot tea in the chilly months, and in the summer I may have iced tea or coffee or lemonade. Even just having water with lemon slices available if there’s nothing else, is nice. 

I love to be able to offer up some cookies or muffins or maybe even chocolates that we always keep. Lately, I’ve whipped up cheese boards or “charcuterie” with sliced meat, cheese, olives, pickles, crackers, nuts and fruit or just whatever nosh I can find around the kitchen. It looks much fancier than it really is and it’s satisfying. This is easy if you have an unannounced visitor pop-in, as we have more frequently over the last couple of years, to grab a cutting board or pretty plate and mound up delicious things in a pretty way. 

The goal is never to impress (that’s entertaining), but instead to make them feel welcome, loved and to satisfy their soul.  I want them to experience a moment of the peace of Jesus when they’re around my home even if the kids are running laps!  And if you are anything like me, food is a good way into deeper conversation, because it requires lingering and it can be relaxing. It’s easier to unwind over a meal or get cozy with a delicious drink enjoyed together on the porch!

Sometimes hospitality looks like when my neighbor friend walked over after losing her mama, I could sit down and just listen to her heart or bring over dinner in response. 

Hospitality takes noticing others and responding— a lot like Jesus did. 

Like I said, hospitality isn’t hard at all! All it requires is a smile, and an attitude that is present so you can enjoy your company. That is what’s welcoming and that is simply hospitality! 

Rosemary is the sweetest little helper in the kitchen! She seriously pulls up a chair when I start to bake and wants to help. Of course, many times I just let her watch or give her some of her own bowls and spoons to pretend with, but sometimes I do let her in on the fun, like pouring in the ingredients or stirring.

She is my test-tester extraordinaire as she demonstrates here with the chocolate chips for banana muffins!

“To Die For” Blueberry Muffins 
Recipe from Allrecipes

1 1/2 c. All Purpose Flour

3/4 c. White Sugar

1/2 tsp. Salt

2 tsp. Baking Powder

1/3 c. Vegetable or Canola Oil

1 Egg (I always prefer extra large in my baking)

1/3 c. Milk or more as needed

1 c. Fresh Blueberries— honestly, I would add another 1/3 cup that it calls for


1/2 c. White Sugar

1/3 c. All-Purpose Flour

1/4 c. (Real) Butter, cubed

1 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line muffin pan with paper liners or spray with baking spray.

2. Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a large bowl. Place oil in a 1 cup measuring cup and crack egg inside. Add enough milk to bring it up to the 1- cup mark. Stir together well. Fold these wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just combined. Add the blueberries (best part!) and gently fold in. 

3. Streusel Topping: Combine, flour sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Cut/mix in the butter using a fork until crumbly. 

4. Fill the muffin cups to the top with batter and sprinkle on the streusel topping. Yum!!

5. Bake 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

In my last blog, I told you that I am here to pray for you, and if you have a need to please share it with us and I will pray.

I received a prayer request from a sweet reader named Mary. I just wanted her to know that I am praying for her daughter, Ruth!  I’m sorry she’s in so much pain due to fibromyalgia! I’m sure as a momma that’s heartbreaking. The Lord wants to be her source of strength in her body and wants to provide her needs and he will do so!

So I will keep praying over her, and I invite all prayer warriors in this space to join with me in faith and in the name of Jesus, to lift Ruth up!! God is faithful to hear our cries!

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears them and delivers them out of all their troubles. 

Psalm 34:17


  1. Good morning, Leslie,
    Thank you so much for praying for my daughter, Ruth! She has had a couple of good days, where she isn't hurting as much and I believe it's the power of your prayers for her! Please keep those prayers going.

    Your blueberry muffins look delicious; I hope to make some for my family soon. My husband and grandsons prefer blueberry muffins to all the other kinds.

    Your little helper in the kitchen is adorable.
    God bless you and your family. Keep on posting your beautiful "words of life"!

    1. I’m still praying for Ruth! We serve a God who is Healer and who is our Rock! He will never leave us and I pray she feels Him so near even on her bad days.

      Thanks for your uplifting kind words, and I hope you like this recipe if you try it! God bless your family and home and have a wonderful week!!

  2. I love your post! I also enjoy hospitality - I love "loving" people through food! Thank you for sharing your heart!!

    1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying them—thank you so much, Tara!! It’s a pleasure.


Thank you for sweetening my day with your cozy comments!