Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My "Family" Blog

God is so good!  He has given us two children who have turned our world upside-down while filling our cups with laughter, silliness, joy, innocence, dancing, singing, stories, imagination, crumbs, and --yes-- chaos! 

But He has also used them to inspire change within us resulting in more patience, humility, discipline, maturity, conviction, compassion, integrity, trust, and beyond all of that LOVE in our own lives.

Being a parent has convicted me to step up to the plate (or cup) that God has filled brimming full in my life, as I strive be the person I want my children to become .....

If you want to read the rest of how God has been working on since I've become a mommy, or if you're more interested in my family life or walk with God, I would love for you to welcome you to my other blog!  We started it about a year ago when we were finishing our homestudy in the adoption process.  If you wonder why my recipe posts may be thin over here, it's probably because I'm over there writing about my family!  

Bringing Home Baby C is the name and the link is in my profile!


  1. He has gotten so big since you posted about them coming home to you.

  2. Oh, what a darling sweet post! God is good and what a lovely little family.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Thank you for sweetening my day with your cozy comments!